Greeting by the DPG President
I would personally like to welcome you to the virtual DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the DPG Divisions Biological Physics, Chemical and Polymer Physics, Dynamics and Statistical Physics and Physics of Socio-Economic Systems (BP-CPP-DY-SOE).
I am very pleased that despite of the ongoing pandemic, we are able to hold this conference with an outstanding programme to promote the communication and exchange that is so important for science, and is invaluable especially for the next generation of physicists for the further scientific development and career planning. Here young researchers can present their theses to a larger scientific audience for the first time and enabling them to network with potential employers.
Our conference this year also shows the great potential for the innovation that currently lies undiscovered within the DPG. Thanks to the extraordinary commitment of our members, new and digital formats for events were developed and implemented in a very short time. These are not only temporary alternatives, but they can also help to promote DPG events in the future – and thus the visibility of physics in politics and the public.
For the success of this DPG Spring Meeting, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those involved; the participating divisions for organising the scientific programme, and also the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus- Foundation for again generously supporting all DPG Spring Meetings. Furthermore, my special thanks goes to the staff of the DPG Head Office.
Dr. Lutz Schröter
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V.